

Who Needs a Will? Part 2: If You Have Children

  A properly drafted Will does several things, including, but not limited to:

  (1)    Controls what happens to your probate assets at your passing,

  (2)    Names someone to manage the probate process,

  (3)    Names someone to manage any trusts you have created for your beneficiaries,

  (4)    Names someone to take care of your minor children.

If you have minor children, a Will is likely the most important part of your estate plan because it is your opportunity to tell the Court who you want to be in control.  Who should take care of your children? Who should manage your money?  When and how should my children (or other beneficiaries) receive my money?  Putting in this forethought now can prevent unnecessary complications later on and can make your loved ones’ lives so much easier.

These are very important, albeit often difficult, decisions to make.  Leaving it up to loved ones to make these decisions after you are gone is even harder though.  Let us guide you through the process and give you peace of mind.

Cassandra Ceron